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Monday, September 21, 2009

Through the compassion of others......

I had a rough start to my day today. Things were not going as planned and I my stress level was increasing by the minute. Staying focused on compassion is not an easy task but I managed to maintain my composure and to my surprise, my desired results were accomplished.

Did you ever get that fleeting thought in your mind that lasts for maybe a milli-second and that you almost don't hear? That flash of something clear, not vague, but it's so quick that you aren't even sure it was a thought in your mind to begin with?

That, my friend, is intuition. I used to ignore it, which is rather easy since you aren't even sure it was there to begin with. I used to dismiss that gut instinct that let me know what was coming before it came. Like, grab that piece of paper off the counter, you'll need it later. Instead of grabbing it in the moment, I would tell myself I'll grab it on the way out or I'm not going to need that right now. Without fail, I would forget it and look for that piece of paper later which had some important information I needed much later on in the day.

Those little bursts of intuition are important. They keep you on track. They keep you running efficiently. They keep your life going more smoothly. Ignore them and what's left is looking for that piece of paper you failed to grab but really really need right now.

Intuition can be developed. We often talk about intuitive people as though they were chosen and been given this divine talent. We all have intuition. Nurturing it, fostering it, paying attention to it is what makes others seem special while we trudge about our lives with no hints or help from God. The power lies within.  And it leads you to your purpose.

Will you accept the divine intuition within you?

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